Lawn Aeration

Lawn Aeration Service

Lawn aeration is a critical technique used in landscape maintenance to enhance the health and vitality of grass and soil. The process involves creating small holes or channels in the soil, allowing for better air circulation, water absorption, and nutrient distribution to the grassroots. These benefits contribute to stronger root systems, improved drought tolerance, and overall lush and vibrant lawn appearance

Core Aeration: This method utilizes a specialized machine called an aerator that removes small cores or plugs of soil from the lawn. These cores are typically 2-3 inches long and help to alleviate soil compaction by loosening the soil structure. Core aeration also creates spaces for air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots more effectively.

Spiking or Solid Tine Aeration: Instead of removing cores, spiking involves puncturing the soil with solid tines or spikes. While this method doesn’t remove soil plugs, it still achieves aeration by creating holes that facilitate better soil penetration and root growth. Spiking is often used as a quicker and less disruptive alternative to core aeration.

The timing of lawn aeration is crucial for optimal results. It’s generally recommended to aerate lawns once or twice a year, preferably during the active growing seasons such as spring or fall. This timing allows the grass to recover quickly and take advantage of the improved soil conditions for robust growth.
